A message from Father Alan


We are glad that you are here.

Grace Memorial is a community of many different ages and walks of life. We are lifelong members, local transplants, students, and newcomers. We are retirees, business owners, hourly workers, and contract employees. We are young and old. We are new to the church, have grown up in the church, and have a “complicated” relationship with the church. We are all of the above.

If you are new to the Episcopal Church, take your time here. There is information on the website and at the church about who we are, what we believe, and how we live. Ask questions. I’m sure you’ll find someone that has the same question and, together, we can discover an answer. That says a lot about who we are right there. We are OK with questions and we worship and live as if we don’t have to have all the answers. How refreshing!

We worship on Sundays at 10:00am (pre-pandemic: 8:00am and 10:30am) as well as other times found in the calendar. We always gather around various holidays and days that are truly holy throughout the year. Children are welcome in worship. We also have a staffed nursery at the later service.

We are connected to the community. Many of us are active in different roles walking with, serving, and helping folks from every corner of Lynchburg. But, more than that, we think that God can be found in the hearts and hurts of the world around us. So we are trying to look for God in those places as much as when we gather for worship. In fact, our worship sends us out to seek God in the world. Join us for the many opportunities to seek and serve Christ in all persons.

Come by and see us. We might see you around Lynchburg.

Bring your questions. Bring your hopes, hurts, dreams, and passions. Bring your full self.

We are already praying for you!
