
Our Ministries

The ministries at Grace Memorial provide parishioners many opportunities to be involved in making worship at Grace meaningful. Children, ages nine and older, serve as Acolytes during the 10:30 Sunday service and at special holiday services. Adults serve as Acolytes at the 8:00 service. Ushers hand out bulletins, help with communion, collect the offering, and provide general assistance to the congregation. Ushers also greet visitors and provide them with a welcome bag.

The Altar Guild is responsible for the setup and cleanup of the altar vessels and linens for each service. A team of guild members or individuals serves monthly on a rotating schedule. There is a Bell Choir which performs occasionally at the 10:30 service. It is comprised of choir members and parishioners. The contribution of the Bell Choir is a beautiful addition to the worship service. The Chancel Choir leads the music at the 10:30 worship service each week. In addition to leading the congregational singing, the choir also performs an offertory anthem which is chosen to complement the other aspects of the service. Ancillary service music, such as the introit and choral benediction and music during communion, is performed by the choir. The functions of the Lay Eucharistic Ministers include a Chalice Bearer, who serves wine during communion, and an intercessor who leads the Prayers of the People. Lectors read the Old and New Testament lessons during the Sunday services. A Lay Eucharistic minister takes communion to shut-ins.